Learning How Bail Bonds Work with Speedy Bail Bonds NJ
What is a Bail Bond?
Learning how bail bonds work starts with understanding what a bail bond is. A bail bond is a contract between the bail agent (bondsman), the courts and the person posting the bail (co-signer). A bail agent is responsible for the defendant showing up to court appearances.
What is Required?
Money is required by the court. It is an incentive to keep the defendant from fleeing when released. The bail agent gets a portion of the bond as their fee. Notes or other collateral are required to make sure that the bail agent will get paid.
What is the Amount Required?
The amount of money required for bail is set by the court. This depends on the severity of the crime, and how much of a flight risk the defendant is. The bail agent gets a percentage of the bail amount. This is decided by the judge for that particular defendant.
What Does a Bail Agent Guarantee?
The bail agent guarantees the court that the defendant will appear in court when summoned by the judge. The defendant will also have to check in regularly with the bail agent.
When are Bail Bonds Granted?
Bail bonds are granted when a family member or friend contacts the bail agent before the defendant is released. Arrangements are made for the posting of a bail. After an agreement is signed, the bail agent posts a bond for the amount of the bail. This guarantees the defendant will show up at court.
Failure to Check in?
The co-signer is responsible for the full amount of bail if the defendant does not check in. If the bail agent or the co-signer are unable to locate the defendant, the co-signer is responsible for the full amount of the bail. After the defendant is located and arrested by the bail agent, the co-signer is responsible for all of the bail agent’s expenses while looking for the defendant.
How do Arrangements Work?
Defendants can arrange for their bail through a bail bondsman or paying the court directly the full amount. When using a bail agent, the defendant provides collateral to the bail bondsman. The bail bondsman or bail bond company agent will then guarantee to pay the court if the defendant fails to appear, by posting a surety bail bond power of attorney with the jail or court.
When Will the Bail Bond be Dissolved?
After the defendant has completed all court appearances and the case is closed, the bail bond will be dissolved and any collateral given to the bail bondsman will be returned to the defendant or whoever posted the bond.
What About a Co-Signer?
A co-signer always has the responsibility to ensure that the defendant appears in court as and when required. The co-signer must know the whereabouts of the defendant at all times and must immediately notify the bail bondsman if the defendant has moved.
What About Collateral Risk?
Always keep an eye on the defendant if you are the co-signer. You are at direct risk of losing your collateral if the defendant does not show up at court. Remember all fees are the responsibility of the co-signer if the defendant can’t or is unwilling to pay.